Saturday, July 2, 2011

Full Moon Concert with Celia

Join us under the full summer moon for a concert with our favorite wandering songstress, Celia! Bring a snack or drink to share and spend the evening enjoying her unique, uplifting and humorous blend of song and performance. $12 advance -$ 15 day of show suggested donation goes directly to this wonderful artist to support her in her divine work. Everyone is welcome, this event is all ages!

RSVP on our Facebook event here

Celia Concert Advance Tickets - $12 Donation

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Church of the Sacred Circle Web Store

We've dusted off our old web store and added tons of new and exciting items! The store is now available from our main site, on Facebook and on our blog.

We have added a lot of new shirts that are available in Earth-loving, soft, silky organic cotton, in sizes from men's to kids and even all the way down to infants.  There are also plenty of new styles to choose from like tank tops and baseball style raglan shirts.

Other new items to choose from include eco friendly drink options like Sigg brand and generic water bottles, a ceramic travel mug and a high quality pint glass. There are stickers, clocks, boxes and even this sweet logo pendant, one of the first times we have ever been able to offer official Church of the Sacred Circle jewelry!

Remember that everything here helps to generate operating costs for our Temple and other special projects. We don't get much, but every little bit counts, and it all adds up! Thank you for your support and your love throughout the years, and thank you all for being part of our family of the heart! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summertime Rolls

The Summer Solstice has finally brought us some gorgeous weather, and we are very excited about the full calendar of events that we have to share with you over the next few weeks! Get to clicking and let us know what you're excited about attending! (Click the headers to RSVP on Facebook)

**Cue Jane's Addiction music now**

Crystal Allies Gem & Mineral Club 
Friday, July 8th, 7 pm
Join us for our monthly workshop on the ins and outs of working with crystals and minerals, hosted by our amazing crystal lady Jennifer!

Crystal Goddesses 
Sunday, July 10th, 2 pm
Our monthly women-only gathering, Crystal Goddesses explores the relationship between Goddess energy and the abundant minerals and gemstones of our Mother Earth.

Full Moon Concert with Celia
Friday, July 15th, 7 pm
Join us under the full summer moon for a concert with our favorite wandering songstress, Celia! Bring a snack or drink to share and spend the evening enjoying her unique, uplifting and humorous blend of song and performance.

MoonCraft Full Moon Circle
Sunday, July 17th, 3 pm
A regular event, this is our monthly full moon crafting circle. Your priestess for this circle will be Medicine Wolf who will be sharing her herbal knowledge with us.

Paranormal Investigations
Saturday, July 23rd, 6:00 pm
We are an open group who invite others to come and join us as we seek out paranormal places and experiences. We use digital recorders, cameras, thermometers, EMF detectors, KVP detectors, and the like, as well as our intuition and talents to experience and investigate paranormal activities in both the public and private settings.

Annual Family Camp Out
July 29-31st
Every year we spend time in the great outdoors with our friends and families, soaking up the beautiful energies of our gorgeous mountains! Space limited, RSVP only!

Sacred Circle Annual Meeting
Saturday, July 30, 4 pm
This meeting is our once-a-year gathering where our members can help elect new Directors, vote on our budget and find out what our plans and priorities are for the next Wheel! We want to know what you think!

***Pro tip: Subscribe to our Google calendar to put all of these events right on your schedule!